Video plays integral part in Sport England’s World Mental Health Day Campaign

Sport England recently enlisted the help of Somersault to produce a film that celebrates their investment into projects that help people with mental health issues. The film was released in conjunction with World Mental Health Day as part of a full social campaign. Sport England has invested into a large number of mental health projects across the country. The Somersault crew travelled to Croydon and Newbury to meet Peter and Val, two people whose lives have been transformed through participating in sport. Somersault conceived an innovative  ‚Äòcomic book‚Äô style that meant the film was not totally reliant on interviews and helped the contributors to feel at ease. The result was an engaging story that illustrates the massive impact of these sporting projects. This is the now the third project Somersault has completed for Sport England, having previously produced films for their‚ Inspired Facilities and Instructability projects.


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