Somersault Appointed to Cover TEDx London Business School Event

We are delighted to announce that Somersault has been appointed to provide full event coverage for the 2013 TEDx event organised by the London Business School.  This is the second time we will cover the event, having  provided full production in 2012. Last year’s successful event was topped off by one of the videos we produced being featured on the TED website.  The talk, by Nirmalya Kumar, has now been viewed over 292,000 times worldwide.  The TEDx event at the London Business School is entirely organised by students and aims to be a platform for discussion and debate on a range of issues.  This year’s event is entitled Intersections, takes place on April 26thand will focus on the ever changing landscape across arts, science, business and technology. The organisers will welcome speakers from a variety of backgrounds including creatives, thought leaders and entrepreneurs. The event has been moved to a larger venue at the Royal Geographical Society, with more than 500 people expected to attend. Team Somersault will provide full production on the day,  filming all of the speakers and capturing interviews and vox pops to allow us to produce a short highlight video. We are looking forward to what promises to be a great event. Take a look at the highlights of last year- inspiring stuff!


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