Somersault helps Cambridge neighbour during Covid-19 crisis

Following the cancellation of the Mobile World Congress event in February 2020, Cambridge-based VNC Automotive faced a new but increasingly common business challenge. Having already invested a significant budget to building a new exhibition stand they were faced with a challenge of how to showcase its innovations and unlock a key new source of customers – when a major event that usually drives new business has been cancelled.

Rather than accept defeat, VNC Automotive reached out to neighbouring Cambridge-based communications partner, Somersault seeking to add value to an investment otherwise lost, unveil their innovative new technologies to a global audience and drive new customers.

Within a week of picking up the phone, Somersault filmed the stand behind closed doors, creating seven different films demonstrating VNC Automotive’s new offerings.

The launch of the videos has had a critical impact on VNC Automotive during the lockdown period, a time when many businesses have struggled. The videos have increased channel views and watch time by over 800%. They are also driving new engagement for VNC’s Business Development team from both existing customers and new prospects. The 51-second film below captures the story:

Julia Felgate-Barker, Marketing Manager for VNC Automotive said event cancellation has impacted many of us in recent months and for the foreseeable future, reaching a global audience of customers and prospects needs agile, creative and cost-effective solutions. The Somersault team have effectively recreated our physical experience in a digital space. This has enabled us to keep the conversation going with customers and prospects and new projects have definitely come in on the back of this.

Somersault CEO and Founder Colin Miles said we’ve had a great rapport with Julia and the team at VNC Automotive. We’re really seeing businesses turn to video and animation solutions that effectively replace the experience of a physical event. Anything we can do to support neighbouring businesses is always a pleasure.

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